Need an unforgettable party hostel? We have got all the destinations!
Finding a party hostel for your next travel destination can be a pain in the ass, that is why we have collected all the best party hostels around the world on one website. This way you can easily find all the best hostels in every continent, country and city. All for the best experience!
Hostels to book in Europe

The Dutch city of Amsterdam is among the most expensive vacation destinations in Europe.

Berlin is the capital of one of the largest economies in Europe – Germany.

London is one of the world’s greatest cities. When you visit the British capital, you’ll have many things to do and places to see.

Find all the best party hostels in Barcelona, the most popular city in Spain for tourists.

Paris, the French capital, hosts some of the world’s best-preserved historic sites, fine architecture, and spacious parks.
Party hostels to book

Read my blogs
It can be very difficult to decide for a hostel for your next destination. The location, the price, the atmosphere, it’s all going to be a factor in whether your trip will be a good trip or an amazing one. That is why we decided to help you, because we know the pain of finding a good hostel for your wishes. Below you will find our list of hostel reviews with a top-10 for each location. So you can simply check our guide and book your hostel hassle free and fast.
About Party Hostel Guru
We have found it difficult to find the best party hostels when we were traveling and because of this decided to create this website. When we were traveling around Europe in weekend trips, we wanted to find a perfect party hostel in Budapest, but it was very difficult for us to find one. And that how this website was born!
We aim to collect all the party hostels around the globe into one website to make it as easy and fast as possible for everyone to find their perfect hostel. In every continent, every country and every city.
To give you the best experience we use images from our favorite party hostels around the world. If we use on of your images and you want us to take it down, please let us know.
The best hostels worldwide
Are you looking for the best hostels? We also review general backpackers hostels, like those in London, Amsterdam, Paris and Berlin. So far we have been working on these 4 cities, more are soon to follow.
Finding the best party hostels
We love traveling, partying and making new friends. That is exactly why we believe party hostels are the perfect place for anyone looking for a good and cheap place to sleep while traveling and having great fun and meeting new people. We list all the best party hostels per city, the best cities per country and the best country’s per continent. But we at the moment do not review individual hostels, maybe some day.
About this website
To support our work in finding and collecting the best party hostels into one website we use affiliate links and affiliate partners. That means that when you are clicking a link to for example AirBnB or Booking we get a small fee for helping you find a perfect hostel and giving the partner platform a new booking. At absolutely no extra cost to you of course.